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Emphasize industrial plastic recycling and leverage the advantages of mono materials


If you have ever read the article "The Secret of Recyclable Packaging: Can They Always Be Recycled Successfully?", you may have wondered whether mono material PEF heat shrink film have practical application significance. Here, I can clearly answer you that the development of the industry is in a spiraling upward trend, and the current constraints and deficiencies do not imply future limitations. From a practical perspective, the emergence of mono material packaging PEF, although still facing many arduous challenges in the actual recycling process, has shown unparalleled advantages over other composite materials, opening up new paths and possibilities for the recycling of plastics.

A major advantage of mono material PEF film is that it can facilitate plastic recycling on the industrial end. Industrial production usually generates two different types of materials: one is the finished product that enters the market and the consumer end through sales, and the other is the waste generated during industrial production activities. From the production end perspective, the waste generated during the production of PEF shrink film can be directly recycled by the manufacturer or handed over to professional recyclers for secondary utilization. This kind of recyclable material is generally referred to as post-industrial recycled plastic, or PIR.


Why is this the advantage of mono material PEF heat shrink film? Just imagine, Traditional composite materials and those subjected to complex radiation crosslinking  could recycling  be so simple and quick? The answer is undoubtedly no. In the past, due to the diversity of its components, composite material packaging often requires cumbersome separation and processing steps during the recycling process. Constrained by costs and technology, the autonomy of manufacturers in recycling materials has been greatly restricted. However, mono material has an undamaged molecular structure and does not require material separation, avoiding the complexity of traditional polyolefin shrink film recycling, greatly simplifying the recycling process and making recycling more efficient and convenient. Realizing plastic recycling on the industrial end is no longer a fantasy but has become a feasible solution.


For recyclers, the advent of mono material PEF heat shrink film is undoubtedly good news. The reduction in recycling difficulty is also conducive to reducing costs and increasing efficiency. In the past, complex recycling processes required a a lot of of manpower, material resources, and time. Now, the recycling process of mono material packaging has been simplified, reducing costs while significantly increasing efficiency.

How much waste can a factory generate in a day? And what would be the astonishing amount if calculated on an annual basis? This is a question worthy of our in-depth thinking and exploration. If we can successfully complete the recycling of this part of the plastic on the industrial end and utilize it effectively, although its contribution may not be as large as that on the consumer end, it should not be underestimated. Imagine that a large amount of plastic packaging that might have been discarded originally can be reprocessed to become new packaging materials again, which is undoubtedly a great saving of resources. Every recycling cycle means a reduction in the demand for new raw materials and a decrease in energy consumption and environmental pollution.

Currently, the development trend of the plastic industry is already clear, that is, to reduce the reliance on and demand for new raw materials and to recycle and utilize waste plastics as much as possible. Whether it is the PCR material strongly advocated by the EU PPWR or the research and development and wide application of other innovative recyclable materials, all of them reflect the direction of this environmentally friendly trend.

In addition, compared with the difficulty in tracing, recycling, and controlling plastic packaging after it flows into the consumer end, recycling at the industrial end is more direct and effective. At the consumer end, after being widely used, plastic packaging may be randomly discarded, entering various complex environments and channels, making its flow direction difficult to track and control. Even if there is a recycling mechanism, it often leads to numerous difficulties, low efficiency, and difficult quality assurance due to factors such as dispersion and mixture with other substances. At the industrial end, the production and recycling of plastic packaging are relatively concentrated, facilitating management and control, and enabling more effective organization of recycling work and improvement of the quality and quantity of recycling.


Emphasize industrial plastic recycling and leverage the advantages of mono materials. The application potential of PEF heat shrink film is quite optimistic, and more advantages will be revealed to you one by one in the following. If you are interested in PEF heat shrink film or have any questions to learn more, please feel free to communicate and discuss with us.

Further reading:

Mono-material PE: Revolutionizing packaging in a simple and sustainable way